- Event “Museum – Territory of Meanings”

Event “Museum – Territory of Meanings”
On May 18, 2024, from 18:00 to 00:00, the cultural and educational event “Museum – Territory of Meanings” will be held at the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan as part of the “Night of Museums” event dedicated to the International Day of Museums.
The purpose of the event is to popularize spiritual and cultural values by combining in one space and demonstrating works of art of various genres and styles, introducing visitors to museum activities, unique exhibits and artifacts of the Museum.
The event “Museum – Territory of Meanings” will begin with the “Day at the Museum” part. From 10 a.m., sightseeing tours “Baldyrgan Guide” will be organized, a presentation of books published as part of the scientific projects of the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan will take place, master classes on creating copies of paintings and sculptures will be held, and museum classes will be held within the framework of the projects of the National Museum.
At 16:00 a personal exhibition of a member of the Union of Artists of the Republic of Kazakhstan Rafael Slekenov “The Light of Tengri” will open.
From 18:00, guests of the Museum will be able to enjoy the concert of the State Concert Organization “Kazakhconcert” named after Rosa Baglanova, visit the crafts fair, the exhibitions “Painting of the steppe: symbols, colors, images” and “Erlikke tagzym - eldiktin belgisi”, take part in master classes of the Conservation Service and restoration of the National Museum and listen to a lecture-concert entitled “Revival of the sound of dombras from the Museum’s funds that belonged to famous personalities.” Also, a theatrical excursion, and a show project "Star Guide. 10 stars. 10 masterpieces".
The “Night of Museums” event at the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan is held annually. More than 23 thousand people took part in the first event in 2015, and on May 18, 2016, more than 30 thousand people visited the National Museum. In 2017, the event was held 2 times: the first was dedicated to the Nauryz holiday, the second to the International Museum Day and the total number of guests was more than 39 thousand visitors. In 2018, the event was attended by more than 37 thousand people, and in 2019, over 42 thousand. Due to the adoption of quarantine measures in the country in subsequent years, this event was implemented online through the Museum’s social pages. And last year the event’s attendance was about 48 thousand people.
Monday is a day off, the last Tuesday of the month is a sanitary day. The museum is closed these days.