Weekend tours

1000 Т
150000 Т
Type of excursion
Bayanaul : magical tour
One-day tour includes: transportation, set lunch, swimming in the lake, professional photo session, tourist fees and excursion around Bayanaul .
From 17 990 T
Parade of Masterpieces - Weekend Tour to Bayanaul
Bayanaul National Nature Park is a beautiful corner of our Motherland. Geologists say that the chain of picturesque Saryarka Mountains appeared as a result of a giant tectonic fault in the earth's crust, thanks to which we have such beautiful landscapes. At every turn, behind every stone, new views await you and the eye is pleased by the pile of stone blocks, and the imagination draws unusual images and figures. You will never get bored in these mountains, because the landscape is very diverse. Lakes and mountains, surrounded by steppe, have created a special microclimate and the weather here is much milder and warmer.
From 40 000 T
The excursion program of the tour includes: Lake Sabyndykol , Lake Zhasybay , Konyr-Aulie Cave , Saimantas , Kempirtas , Alder Grove, Aiman-Bulak spring , Toraigyr Lake and Bold Peak.
From 15 000 T
Parade of Masterpieces - Tour to Bayanaul National Park
Bayanaul National Nature Park is a beautiful corner of our Motherland. Geologists say that the chain of picturesque Saryarka Mountains appeared as a result of a giant tectonic fault in the earth's crust, thanks to which we have such beautiful landscapes. At every turn, behind every stone, new views await you and the eye is pleased by the pile of stone blocks, and the imagination draws unusual images and figures. You will never get bored in these mountains, because the landscape is very diverse. Lakes and mountains, surrounded by steppe, have created a special microclimate and the weather here is much milder and warmer.
From 19 000 T
Astana – Bayanauyl
Bayanaul is a place that has absorbed many legends and the beauty of nature. The natural park amazes with the bizarre shape of ancient rocks, coniferous forests and lakes lost between the mountains. The excursion program includes such objects as the cave Konyr Auliye , Naiza tas , Saiman tas , Mystan stone Kempir , Toraigyr , alder grove, auliebulak and peak of the brave.
From 20 000 T
Weekend in Bayanaul
The tour program includes: swimming in the lake, entertainment program, outdoor games (competitions, mafia), party, evening by the fire, excursion around the resort, with a visit to the grave of Zhasybay batyr, Saimantas rock , Witches' Gorge (a picturesque gorge with a stream, ferns and trees), Kempirtas rock , Toraigyr lake , alder grove, Aulie-Bulak spring and Saken -Zhar mountain , as well as a professional photo session.
From 59 900 T
The tour program includes visiting such sites as the Konyr-Auliye cave , serpentine, Saymantas rock, Zhasybai lake , Kempirtas mountain , and the Aulie spring. Bulak , alder grove, Bold Peak and Toraigyr Lake.
From 16 000 T
Jumps for beginners and in tandem with an instructor.
From 40 000 T
Flights by plane
Flight with professional pilot instructors, with the opportunity to independently control the aircraft. Study of aerobatics - maneuvering the aircraft to perform figures in flight.
Hot air balloon flights
Tethered climbs on the territory of the Triathlon Park and free flight outside the city.
From 15 000 T
Horseback riding
Horseback riding in the steppe and in the recreation area of Jansaya.
From 5 000 T
Horseback riding
Horseback riding at the Prestige equestrian club Horse Club with a trainer.
From 15 000 T