- 451 degrees Fahrenheit

451 degrees Fahrenheit
The People's Youth Theatre "Sovremennik" invites you to a plastic dystopia: "Fahrenheit 451" based on the novel by Ray Bradbury
"We have enough free time. But do we have time to think?"
We invite you all to the premiere of a plastic dystopia, a story in which society is banned from books. Books are burned...
Can we preserve our "humanity" at the speed of progress? How to stay "alive", sensitive to the world and not lose our inner "values" at the speed of modern life?
This story is about the fireman Montag, who must protect society from "thoughts", who began to ask questions and look for answers to them, ultimately remaining "outside the system"
We are waiting for you at the performance!
Actors: Ya. Kostenko, E. Borulko, Ya.Tkachuk, E. Tkachuk, V. Schwartz, A. Fesenko, K. Krugelchuk, A. Khamzina, Ch. Barlybai, V. Murtazin, E. Atanbayev, B. Kosaeva, A. Salkenova, M. Shatalova, S. Shegai, R. Tuleubaev, A. Akhmerova, K. Nalobina, A. Nurgazina, N. Usova, Ya. Serikov, A. Tretyakova