- Svyat Uspenskyi Orthodox Cathedral
Svyat Uspenskyi Orthodox Cathedral
The second largest religious community in Kazakhstan consists of Orthodox Christians. In every large city in the country a large Orthodox church or cathedral stands next to the main mosque, and often they are of the same height. The Uspensky (Assumption) Cathedral acts as a center for the Orthodox community in Kazakhstan.
This large Orthodox complex was raised in 2009. The cathedral preserves several unique items: relics of St. Andrew the Apostle, relics of saints from Kyiv Pechersk Lavra, an icon with relics of St. Andrew Svirsky, an icon of St. Mary of Egypt, and an icon of Our Lady of Kazan offered by Cyril, Patriarch of Moscow. Inside the church has been decorated by artists from the Russian village of Palekh, famous for its painters.
The church hosts the Synod of Orthodox Churches of Kazakhstan and the Ss. Cyril and Methodius Spiritual and Cultural Center.