

The distance from Astana is 389 km in the direction of the city of Karaganda.

Karkaraly is a corner of natural beauty and active recreation in Kazakhstan.

This region is known for its stunning Karkaraly Mountains, which provide excellent opportunities for hiking and rock climbing. Picturesque lakes and forests make it an ideal place for nature lovers. One of the highlights of Karkaraly is Lake Sabyndykol, known for its emerald waters and calm atmosphere. Visitors can enjoy hiking, birdwatching and picnicking in this untouched corner.

Karkaraly is also rich in cultural heritage with historical sites, such as the Karkaraly fortress and ancient petroglyphs, ready for exploration. Whether you are an adventure seeker or natural lover, Karkaraky has something special for everyone.

Where to stay

Website of the Karkaraly State National Natural Park

Tours to Karkaraly

Other recreation areas