- Әmre in Astana

Әmre in Astana
Әmre is a singer with a unique voice, a master of vocal improvisation, a talented composer and musician, the winner of the "Slavianski Bazaar 2018" festival, and a finalist of the "Voice" show.
The artist's lyrical songs resonate with audiences of all age groups, while his dance tracks are especially popular among the younger generation.
At the concert, you will hear such songs as "Zhyltyr Köilek", "My Dunya", "Osobaya", "Osy Muzyka Ünaydy", "Kyzdar-Ai", "Möldiregen Zhanaryn", and many more.
Powerful vocals, artistry, originality, and the variety of personas created by this performer accompany every performance and are enthusiastically received by the audience.
A musical event we’ve been waiting for!
The concert is coming soon to our city! Don’t miss your chance to get tickets!